National Grid Fails of Bangladesh and Our Future


Bangladesh, a South Asian country with the third largest population in the world, faces a massive problem with the national grid system. The electric grid in Bangladesh is one of its most basic infrastructures, also known as the national grid.

There are three grids in Bangladesh, and the government has struggled to keep them working. The Teesta River Dam currently supplies electricity to two grids. Still, those grid systems are insufficient to provide the demand in this developing country (although supplies might be sufficient soon).

 This power system consists of four electric substations spread across the country and interconnected with 220 kV transmission lines that run at a maximum voltage and frequency of 220 kilovolts (kV) 3 phase or 220 kV single phase. The national grid connects all parts of the country and provides power to many regions. However, this grid is prone to breakdowns. If it fails for an extended period, it can cause disasters such as deaths from lack of electricity.


Bangladesh’s grid failures result from a series of infrastructure failures.

  • The main reason for grid failure in Bangladesh is the availability of a power supply system. The Bangladesh Electric Supply Corporation (Bescom) is responsible for delivering electricity to distant villages and has been expanding its transmission network in recent years. However, the expansion has not been able to keep balance with the increasing demand for power, which has seen grid congestion in many areas.

  • The national grid failure of Bangladesh is a major national security issue that most people in Dhaka and surrounding areas experience. With no electrical power, many businesses were unable to function. This problem became severe because of the negligence of many government officials who failed to take adequate precautions before the next monsoon season.

A possible solution to the problem

We can solve the Bangladeshi grid failure issue by upgrading and improving our existing grid system.

In Bangladesh, there are many general reasons and solutions for the generation side of our power grid and problems we could encounter. The main reason is due to the nature of our geography, which causes more distance between our power plants and us, providing unnecessary delay. Renewable energy is the best way to solve this problem.

Renewable energy, like solar energy, is an alternative to fossil fuels available in abundance in this country. But this may be insufficient in solving the energy crisis of Bangladesh. So, we have to use both renewable energy along with fossil fuel.

Solar Energy can help with the electricity problem in Bangladesh; there are many advantages of Solar power over conventional sources, which is why we need to install solar panels in our homes or offices. Instant start-up and availability of 24/7 management, no noise or pollution, solar energy are cost-effective, easy maintenance and no maintenance cost, solar energy has zero carbon footprint and will reduce greenhouse gasses emission.

Last but not least, hopefully, Bangladesh will overcome this problem very soon!


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