That is the last saying of pilot Zaharie Ahmed Shah.

8 March 2014.

Kuala Lumpur, 12.42 am.

A journey started from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 270 passengers, 10 flight attendants, and two pilots. Malaysian Airlines Captain Zaharie Ahmed Khan, 53 years old, is one of the most experienced captains of Malaysian Airlines and first officer Fariq Ahmed.

Everything was going well.

1.19 a.m.

Air traffic control office

Please get in touch with 370 Ho Chi Minh 120.9. Good night.

Captain Zaharie replied:


After 30 minutes, Vietnam's airspace tried to connect with the flight, but after 18 minutes of trying, it failed, and soon they informed Malaysian aviation. Malaysian aviation also was unable to communicate with the flight.

Morning 6.32: By this time, the flight should have reached Beijing, but it didn't!

Four days after the incident, news came out that military radar had got location access when civilian air radar couldn't access the location. According to the military radar, that night at 2.22, MH370 was in the Andaman ocean, and it was a matter of mystery that Andaman was the opposite of Beijing! Another interesting fact is that the flight tried to connect with the satellite seven times, and it's widespread for Boeing 777 to communicate with it seven times. According to the satellite's data, the plane was in the South China Sea.

An operation happened to search for the fighter, and it is the world's largest search operation in flight history.

This operation was held with 34 ships, 28 aircraft, and seven countries taking part in this operation.

But this operation failed. And still, now the flight is missing.

In July 2015,

A part of the aircraft's body was found; it was the plane's right wing.

Again, a company searched for an operation, and the six said they wouldn't make any money if they didn't find the plane, but it was also a failure.

There have been a lot of assumptions and theories made about the incident.

Many people said the captain had done this deliberately as he might be mentally unstable.

But reports have proved this thing wrong. Another theory says that the flight must have gone through oxygen deficiency. All the people, including the pilot, had fainted, and the flight had moved into autopilot mode. At one point, its fuel was over, and the plane crashed in the sea of South China.

Another possible reason for the incident could be the pilot was going through some technical and electrical problem issues in the plane; that's as he tried to come back to Kuala Lumpur, he lost technical support, and the flight started mode in autopilot mode, and after some point, it crashed.


In 2022, after eight years of the incident, a scientist claimed that he could say where the plane was; let's see whether he found this or not!





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