Praful Bilore-MBA Chawala

 Well, can you ever become a millionaire by selling tea?

Or have you ever considered becoming a tea seller after finishing your studies?

But the young Indian, Praful, has done it. After finishing his studies, he became a successful tea seller. According to Praful, he is the second most famous tea staller in India.


In 2014, when elections were in full swing in India, Praful was busy preparing for the CAT exam for admission to the best business schools in India.

But after trying hard, he failed the test and was suffering from extreme frustration. Then he decided that he would not sit for the test anymore.

Then Praful started wandering to get rid of his frustration. In 2016, Praful worked as a sweeper at McDonald's. Later, he got a promotion and became a burger maker. At McDonald's, Praful earned Rs 37 per hour. After working for 6 hours a day, the amount was 250 rupees.

But Praful was suffering severely from an identity crisis. He decided to do something for himself. But he could not understand what to do. At that time, he thought that tea was the only thing that could connect people. He lied to his father and started selling tea for 10,000 rupees.

On the first day, he did not find any buyers. The next day, Praful started communicating with people in English, and gradually, people started talking to him with interest. In this way, Praful leads his tea shop, overcoming many obstacles.


Praful, the 2016 small tea shop owner, now sells tea in over 100 franchises. At present, the turnover is around 5 crore rupees! At the same time, Praful is an Inspiration to many!



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